Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hong Kong Hustlers

The planet; Hong Kong. The planet inside a planet; Chunking Mansions. It (the mansions) seems to be a transport and trade hub for many immigrants from galaxies both close and far incuding (but not limited to) Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Tibet. Tonight, under a silvery moon, I shared some space beers with a dear old friend from Earth. Afterwards upon returning to the mansions, I ran into some Bangladeshi hustler friends of mine. Guns, drugs, hookers, gangs and more were discussed, and then afterwards we had chipatti and rice with spicy chicken curry.
Hong Kong surely is a great city.


Offline said...

sorry i missed you earlier dude, was out the door. get more pictures yo, don't get all inconsistent on me

i just finished school, my overall gpa worked out to an A- which is pretty fucking good if i don't say so myself, i gotta get a job and shit now. don't fill up too much on meatballs on sticks and who the fuck knows (show me some HK street food yo)

peace son

CHEESE said...

ahh man, my camera got stole. Im gonna try to save up to buy a new one. until then you'll just have to use your imagination.
word up on the A. fuckin eh!